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How to make AI your personal assistant

As a medical student, I have to learn a lot of information in a short amount of time. I work to supplement my income and pay off my tuition fees. This can make it difficult to balance work and study commitments. It feels like a never-ending challenge. I have panicked and struggled to study because I didn’t know where to start. I tried writing a timetable but couldn’t prioritise my tasks and deadlines. This is when one of my friends suggested I use AI and it has been my saviour ever since.  

Planning my day with AI  

I started out by getting AI to generate my timetable. First, I drafted my weekly schedule and asked ChatGPT to generate a detailed timetable for me. When asking AI to make a to do list, I add information such as deadlines and the urgency of each task. This personalised timetable allocates time for studying, work, house chores and cooking.   

As a uni student, I have access to Microsoft Copilot. One of my favourite features is its ability to export to Excel. It makes it a lot easier for me to track my goals and see where I need to improve. It saves me a lot of time as I can upload photos into my AI conversation. For example, I can upload a screenshot of my timetable instead of typing it out. It also has a voice-to-text option so when I don’t have free hands, I can give a voice command to generate what I need. 

These features have made my life so much easier and more organised. Now I have extra time to unwind by hanging out with friends or do some self-care activities.  

Creating a weekly timetable with ChatGPT

Free health coach  

I have been stressed lately and looking for ways to manage my health. I gave AI information such as my height, weight and fitness goals which it used to generate a personal exercise and meal plan for me. It gave me a detailed explanation about how to do each exercise and fit this into my daily schedule. I haven’t subscribed to other health or exercise programs before, so I can’t tell you which one was better however, the AI generated plan is good for something that is free. I use either ChatGPT or Microsoft Co-Pilot for this plan. 

Free Hello Fresh   

I have seen plenty of those Hello Fresh ads on YouTube and have always wanted to try it out. At the same time, I am a uni student and I need to spend less money. So, I had an idea. What if I asked AI to do the same thing for me? I gave Microsoft Copilot my budget and asked it to make an easy and tasty meal plan for me. It provided me with recipes, a list of ingredients and a detailed explanation of each step. I am Burmese and my cooking skills are quite limited to Burmese cuisine. With this, I can familiarise myself with other cuisines too. It makes me feel like I’m learning how to cook with a chef and it is very therapeutic as well.  

Meal Planning with Microsoft Copilot

Professional event planner  

I asked AI to plan a surprise 21st birthday party for my friend. Everyone in my friend group wanted to make the birthday girl happy, but we couldn’t agree on an idea. We had too many locations in mind and activities we wanted to do together. I suggested asking AI how we could incorporate everyone’s ideas and it gave us a thorough plan for the day. We started our day by grabbing breakfast at 8am and didn’t come home till 1am. It went well, we had so much fun and the birthday girl loved it.  

Studying with AI  

I need to study and revise a lot in a week. Occasionally we have to learn a topic block in 2-4 weeks’ time which other degrees spend an entire semester on. Using AI such as ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot or Gizmo AI helps me survive this.  

I recently asked ChatGPT to make a study plan for me. I listed the name of my subjects (anatomy, physiology, etc.) and the days I have class. I also mentioned the time of my exams which take place between June 12 and 18. It generated a detailed timetable for me which I’ve been using for 2 days now. It has been great so far.  

You can also ask AI to write flashcards for you. Flash cards are great for space repetition. Using flashcards for my anatomy courses is necessary because the more you see the content, the more you remember it. It can take a lot of time to write cards when you need time to revise as well. I made my own flashcards in the first semester of my first year and it helped, but it took so long. Because of this, I didn’t make any in semester two. I have started making flashcards again since discovering AI can write them for me via a YouTube video. It saves me so much time and gives me more time to study and relax. Gizmo AI is also a good option if you don’t want to write your own cards or if you don’t have time to give commands in ChatGPT. You can upload your notes, pdf file, or even a YouTube link and it will generate flashcards for you automatically. You can also find public flash card decks to practice on in Gizmo AI.   

Screenshot of the YouTube video on how to make flashcards using AI

AI can also help you with studying. When I’m curious about topics or content and want to go down the rabbit hole, I ask AI to give me a brief explanation. If I want to know more, I ask AI where it sourced its information from and read over that too. You can do this to find relevant resources and academic journal articles in university library databases. If I have scientific questions, I also ask AI to cite where they get the answer from and read the mentioned article. AI is good when you are stuck and trying to research something.  

Prior permission in writing from a Course Coordinator is essential if you are thinking of using an AI tool to draft work for submission.

If you’re considering using any kind of AI tool during your studies and you’re feeling unsure about it, please make sure you receive advice from your Course Coordinator. Misuse of AI tools may be considered a breach of the University’s Student Conduct Rule and could result in disciplinary action.

For more information on Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity please visit the university website.

I think AI, if used correctly, can benefit university students. Especially those who want top marks or have multiple jobs. Even if you procrastinate, are overwhelmed easily or are super busy.  

Written by a professional panicker and procrastinator with three jobs. 

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