Why you should take a break during exam season

To chill or not to chill… that is the question. The question riding on the fringes of everyone’s mind as exam pressure sinks in. We all share that student struggle. Taking a break feels more of a sin than a blessing. Winding down sparks more anxiety than it does abate it. Calming the mind adds worry rather than letting it dissipate. Should we allow ourselves … Continue reading Why you should take a break during exam season

Waiting for those results totally sucks, here’s how to do it better

Accept that you’ll worry a little, then focus on the positives Worrying is a part of being human. It only becomes a concern when our anxiety gets the better of us and our silly minds blow things way out of proportion. I like to think about the worst possible thing that could happen just to get it out of my system. My mind then starts … Continue reading Waiting for those results totally sucks, here’s how to do it better

Back in the saddle: What to do when you fail a course

You sweated out over your exams, crammed in your assessments and have fallen asleep in the library not once but three times. You walked out of your last exam, threw away the little ziplock bag full of your pens and a pencil sharpener you think you’ll never need again and strode blissfully into the holidays. Until an email pops into your inbox and brings you … Continue reading Back in the saddle: What to do when you fail a course

A University of Newcastle wall planner with the word 'help' written over it in large red font

Damage control: how to get back on top of your study

Here you are again.

You’ve procrastinated yourself into a massive hole, haven’t you?

After all those promises you made yourself, you’re staring down the tracks at a fast-approaching exam and you can’t seem to make your legs move.

You have a few options here, but they all basically boil down into two:

  • Stay under that torn, self-disgust stained blanket and google ice-cream delivery or,
  • Get up and get to work.

Obviously, wallowing in your own misery is a seductive option but let’s choose to fight back against your worst self-destructive impulses and get to work, work, work, work, work…

Continue reading “Damage control: how to get back on top of your study”