Five electives that will teach you enterprise and innovation

‘Enterprise’ and ‘innovation’ may sound like corporate buzzwords, and there seems to be a lingering misconception that enterprise and innovation apply just to business/engineering/science fields, but really their application is limitless. It’s all about big ideas, fresh ways of thinking and revolutionary approaches to doing things.

Wondering how you can bring this new mindset to your degree?

Well lucky for you, there’s a heap of individual courses as well as full programs at the University designed to enhance your skills and knowledge in these areas. Here are just a few:

DESN2002 Design Thinking and Innovation

The world is full of problems that can’t be solved without getting a little creative, and a bunch of different things need to be considered before reaching a conclusion. This course explores all aspects of design thinking and how it can be applied to any disciplinary practice in a real world context. Get ready to learn techniques, methods and processes for engaging your brain and engage in design thinking.

FMCS1000 – Film, Media, Culture

Media is an intrinsic part of our lives. Unless you’ve been living as a monk in the Himalayas, chances are you’ve grown up in a strong media culture. So why pass up the chance to study movies? As part of this course, you analyse the role of film and media in culture and individual lives, as well as how the media represents important aspects of contemporary culture. This covers topics like fandom, political narratives and social media.

MNGT3007 – Social Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship and innovation don’t just exist in a vacuum of ‘for-profit’ businesses. These skills are just as vital in other sectors like NGOs and charity groups. In this course, you put social entrepreneurship into a real-world context by examining the benefits/limitations and features of contemporary examples of socially entrepreneurial organisations.

CIND2000 – Creative Collaborations

Forging a career in the creative industries can be tough. You might be a design dynamo, but it’s hard to get a freelance job going if you don’t understand the business side of things. CIND2000 aims to remove that barrier by helping students develop knowledge on how creative professionals initiate, develop and deliver projects to clients, audiences and stakeholders. You also get to learn how project briefs are developed, the management of pre-production, production and post-production phases, and how projects are delivered to the client’s audience.

SWRK2005 – Violence, Abuse and Trauma: Theory and Practice

Domestic violence is an issue which is gripping the nation, with innovative approaches needed to help stop systemic abuse. Students analyse the social, physiological and political underpinnings of violence in society, and critically apply these to case examples. By drawing on a range of theories, perspectives and approaches, students learn how to develop strategies to handle confronting material encountered in the professional environment.

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