Meet Sophie Jackson: Academic Excellence Scholar 2020

The Academic Excellence Scholarships Recognising Outstanding Performance in Undergraduate Studies were established to reward hard work, persistence and dedication to academic excellence. In this ‘Meet the Scholar’ series we will introduce you to those undergraduate students who are the 2020 recipients of this generous scholarship. Are you ready to be inspired?

What program are you studying?
Bachelor of Primary Education
What year of study are you in?
2nd Year.

What did you feel when you heard you were the recipient of the Academic Excellence Scholarships Recognising Outstanding Performance in Undergraduate Studies?

I was extremely shocked and thrilled that my hard work in 2019 paid off so exponentially. I worked tirelessly to achieve my marks and am so grateful that the University of Newcastle has chosen to recognise my efforts.

What do you think are the personal qualities that have contributed to your academic achievements?
Dedication, perseverance, positively and definitely some sacrifice!
How do you motivate yourself towards your studies?
I knew from the start I wanted to absorb myself completely in my degree, as becoming a passionate successful teacher has and always will be my aim. Each time I received a mark that I was proud of, I felt more determined to keep striving and taking on board the key learning points from each course.
Who are your role models?
My twin sister Kate is in her 5th and final year of her Bachelor of Laws, she has always inspired me with her dedication and high academic achievement. Before I even entered UON I knew she was the person I wanted to model.
What are your goals for the future?
My goal is to exit UON as a progressive 21st-century teacher who showcases passion and inspiration for the teaching profession and strives to create meaningful connections with my students. Oh.. and also adopt a cat!
What are three things you enjoy most about studying at the University of Newcastle?
I have found great comfort in the support from my tutors, the campus and the various events the UON holds…keeping us all sane!
What tips do you have for other students when it comes to excelling in their studies?

1. You have to have the determination and the willingness to study hard and make sacrifices when necessary.

2. Find your people and be open about any worries or successes you have had that day, don’t forget to feel proud of yourself and let others do the same!

3. Utilise PASS sessions and talk to your tutors if your struggling with a concept or assignment, they are all there to help!

4. Plan something fun every week, it is easy to become consumed by uni but always have something to look forward to.

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